By Darnell Visini

On a smoldering summer day, there Is nothing better than getting your hands on a juicy, delicious peach fruit. In addition to their great taste, calories in a peach are very low and this offers numerous health benefits. Also, peaches have essential nutrients and are also fat and sodium free.

Peaches are harvested from the renowned persica plant which bears juicy fruits all year round and can grow up to a considerable height with most plants ranging from 25-30 feet. This plant is grown on a global scale with the largest producers being Europe, The United States and China respectively. There are varied differences in the characteristics and species of peaches across these nations which include their pulp appearance, fruit color as well as growth characteristics.

In this regard the two major classifications of the fruit are the free-stone and the clinging-seed varieties. Peaches come in various colors and sizes. They can either be yellow, pink, red or a combination of these. The fruits have a distinct vertical indentation on one side and are smooth in appearance. They also have a great resemblance to nectarines but can be differentiated by their skin texture.

A comparative analysis of nutritional content and calorie level of various fruits indicates that peaches have a relatively lower calorie level(38-39g per a 100g fruit). The sweetness of the fruit is derived from its pulp which has a great taste and a pleasant aroma. Although Peaches are all year round fruits, the prime season for their growth is between the months of May and October.

Peaches are also rich in vitamins. People who are health conscious generally consume foods that are rich in vitamin c due to its importance in connective tissue synthesis and strengthening of the body resistance against infection and destructive radicals. The fruit also has a high anti-oxidant strength value which helps the body in combating harmful radicals.

In addition to this, peaches are packed with plenty of health increasing minerals and vitamins. An important measure of the anti-oxidant properties of any food is the anti-oxidant strength (ORAC value). The total anti-oxidant value of a 100g peach fruit according to this score is 1814 TE (Trolex equivalents).

When shopping for peaches at the store, there are some important factors to look out for. These include avoiding fruits that are excessively soft, or that have any cuts or bruises. Ripe fruits generally yield to gentle pressure and have a sweet aroma. Slightly hard fruits can also be kept at room temperature until they ripen. They can also be kept in a refrigerator for later consumption.

A recent survey of the nutritional content of peaches revealed that they are one of the most complete fruits in terms of various nutritional characteristics such as potassium level, anti-oxidant properties and calorie content. They can also be used as a suitable treatment for various diseases including gout and urinary infections. Calories in a peach are very low making it suitable for such treatment.

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